Your Eyes - Yoga course for eye health


Your Eyes - Yoga course for eye health


Welcome to this 3-part online workshop on supporting eye health naturally!
This workshop is designed to help you enhance your vision and eye health using a combination of Purna Yoga and the famous Dr. William Bates method.

In this workshop, you will learn:
- how to use simple techniques to improve your eye health on a daily basis,
- the Drishti (gazing points),
- Heartfull Meditation™ to relieve the eyes,
- a series of practices that emphasise the role of relaxation, movement, and visualisation in improving vision health
With these techniques, you will help to:
- improve circulation in and around the eyes,
- reduce stress in eyes,
- and improve overall eye wellness

The workshop is happening in three 60-minute sessions.
In the first session, we will focus on releasing the stress and tension in the extraocular muscles (around the eyeballs). In the second session, we will go deeper into the intra-ocular muscles and simple vision-improving exercises. The last session is dedicated to putting it all together. You will learn a simple 15-minute Purna Yoga series for the eyes that you can continue to practice daily after the course.

- three 60-minute classes for eye health
- 15-min

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